Saturday 22 May 2010

22May Birthday Bash!

Woah! tomorrow is de Zhi's birthday.last year we celebrate with him at ph's room.we order fast food from Dishes.That time we only expose ourselves to Turkish food.shwarma. didn't know about the real spelling. If you wanna know,i can describe to you.Chopped salad chicken and roll in our roti canai...the 'salad' is totally different from what we eat. If you go to any some mamak stall,i think you can find it is Ichibang!!!

i'm a football fans.even though Real Madrid didn't manage to win any trophy this season but i will still support them.I support them seen i'm 12 years old.Now the final of champion's league is going on.I support Inter!! i don't like germany futbal club. Inter , U must beat bayern!

World cup is going to start! I support Spain!!!!! ESPANYOL!!!!!!!

Today i come back earlier from library compare to other days.We go edmond's room to plan how we are going to bash De zhi. We bashed him with our liquid and eggs.

LIQUID = whatever liquid media you can find in kitchen.we add some corn flour and detol.haha.

He hide from us.He start hiding before 1030pm. (pandai ya). He give us hint..

First hint, i'm at a beatiful hostel and there is a garden.
Wei ...we search for you around our area for nearly one hour leh..
we got curfew one...we will fined for 200rps for those who stay in hostel.(including me)

DE ZHI, we are HOT now! WHERE are YOU!!!!!

.......bla bla bla..

Bashing Members : Benny (Leader),Edmund, Edwin,Shawn,Zet,Jesse,TC,KM and me.

WEAPON a.k.a liquid medium : all liquid you can mention.

our cameraman Jesse.

We spend 100rps for auto to search for De ZHI.

In the end we tricked him to come back hostel because we tell him we make an ice cream cake and we not going to bash him anymore(we are tired of searching for you)

Birthday boy appear infront of his house with his scooter..

Benny : TAKE YOU WEAPON! FORWARD!!!!!!!!!!!

Shawn and Edwin prepaer water gun to treat De zhi! they are range Hero, however the rest are melee.Haha!


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