Sunday, 30 November 2008


其实我觉得天下并没有谁不适合谁,一段感情如果互相抱容,互相让步,互相付出,互相体谅,最后还要有忠诚的心。人没有百分百和零鸡蛋的相遇,人与人本来相遇就只有50% ,加上刚才的互相的。。。。。才会有100%的相遇。男生最难学会的就是包容(谢霆峰说的)。以前一直抱怨说这个不够,那个不够好。。。。最近比较有时间想想,我怎么那么的幼稚,怎么我不想想身边的人付出的东西已经超出他们所能,我却没有顾忌到别人的感受,太自私了和霸道。在最完美的时候却不满足,在失去的时候才学会了珍惜这两个字。后悔了有用吗?不清楚

Saturday, 29 November 2008

濒临绝种的爱 4

本剧故事 纯属虚构
如有雷同 实属巧合

萍 :你能给我时间考虑要不要出席那烤肉会好吗?
胜 :好。。
萍 :你别抱太大的希望,因为我不知道我妈肯让我去吗。。
胜 :明白。而且,你又对我周围的朋友不是很熟悉。。我会尊重你的决定的。



胜 :萍,你决定了吗?
萍 :烤肉会是在哪里?
胜 :灵的家。有兴趣吗?
萍 :有是有。。。可是。。
胜 :其实你怕我没说错吧?如果我没去你会去吗?
萍 :不知道呢,我可能去一些生活营。。不然呆在家里会闷的。





我最近约了一个女生去朋友的烤肉会,可是我的朋友不知道她拒绝我之前的表白了,而且他们以为我和她还是兄妹,我不知道如何开口。。 现在我怕的是她不肯出席。。。





Monday, 24 November 2008

this few days


haha. when i woke up.suddenly i realise that stil got one month to reach 19dec.. last year d 19dec can say that it is my happiest day in my life.. i can't deny it because that day is extremely happy.i don't know this year got that chance again or not. hope can.. *actually i also duno that person notice this or not.bcuz i just wana prove myself that i'm not.....(hehe.2 people know only excluding me)*


i went to qb. my cousin belanja his father,uncle,gf,his sister,my bro,me n my youngest bro to eat at dragon-i. the photo of the food i will upload soon. oh god..when i walk in... i saw my old friends, the captain there, the waiteress and waiter all is old friends..haha. but they kinda forget who am i already haha. @.@ duno why. afterthat we went to my old working place ..and eat sundae..hehe cousin bro belanja again ^^ but $26.90 leh. quite expensive.

this few days everyday sit in d house.. haha. nothing to do.. so didnt go anywhere. thats all for this few days. kinda boring i think.

Friday, 21 November 2008

濒临绝种的爱 3

本剧故事 纯属虚构
如有雷同 实属巧合


胜 :萍, 你曾经告诉我你对一个人有不错的印象,那个人不是我对吧?那是另一个男生来的。应该是峰。。。。那个上次约你和他整堆朋友去看哈里波特的吗?

萍 :好感英文是good feel.只是觉得这是不错的朋友罢了,你想去哪里?
胜 :好感也是一种感觉啊,不是吗?不是感觉是什么?
萍 :这都不是那个感觉。。
胜 :但是不是他?
萍 :不是他啦?
胜 :那你的他是谁?

*华语和英语的意思有时在字眼上可能会有一点差异,所以如果字眼的误会你遇到字眼上的误会。。。请记得你和他/她都没错。。时时记住要宽容大量的去接受别人的想法。。 不要去争吵,因为这是无谓的*

萍 :你可以不要一直寄短讯给我吗?来来去去都一样的。。。什么给一次机会啦。我现在对你没有feel你叫我怎样接受你?我不想欺骗任何人的感情。我知道你是真心,但不要这样好吗?

胜 :当我说我喜欢你的时候, 我才刚刚考完试,也没有时间去追你还是什么。我以为在哥妹的

萍 :你没有错,只是不是时候。。。我都没有心情要去谈恋爱,所以没有去喜欢人或接受人。。。


*世界上有什么东西是闪闪发光的,味道是咸咸的。谜底在最后面。。。别先偷看答案咯 ^^*

豪 :胜,这个星期我们几个朋友在灵的家一起烤肉好吗?记得请你的妹妹噢。
胜 :我们在看看吧。不知道能不能约她出来。


胜 :萍, 还记得上次介绍给你认识的朋友-豪?
萍 :记得。
胜 :他希望你能出席他搞的烤肉会。。。你可以出席吗?
萍 :几时?我不知道能不能去。。
胜 :这个星期六,还有5天的时间。。
萍 :那你又去吗?
胜 :有,如果我有去,你还会去吗?


谜底:眼泪。^^ 猜对吗?


tears Pictures, Images and Photos


aikz, my knee injured again, not easy to walk around.. even walk to pc also very pain.back pain also.... now abit better d 濒临绝种的爱 3 will be abit late...orry my friends..


Tuesday, 18 November 2008




时间是可以疗伤, 时间也让人对一件事或一个人一天一天的把自己的‘保护层’给巩固起来。从此就对一件事或一个人有了防范。。。 那件事或人就无法进去你的心里。

一个人曾经让你有恐惧, 一件事曾经让你产生比七月的阿飘还恐怖,入骨及害怕的阴影。。。


当一个人生气。。。说出的气话,很难听。。。可是我们忘了或有人伤心,心碎和失望。 当生气的人在说的当儿,是否有想过后果?

*曾经对一个人骂出连我自己都想打我自己的字。。。那就是‘有种’。。。这个字毁了我自己的希望。我当时很糊涂。。。竟然说出这样的话所以从那天起,我下定决心修炼了自己尖锐的口。我承认我是一个坏小子。。。我一不爽就破口大骂。。。但是我忘了直接的说出来的后果是。。。 直接使应该用在适当的地方,而不是在骂人。有时候,误会是很难才能解释清楚,如果相信一个人,即使他/她做出一些不是他/她本来的性格,你都可以体谅和谅解。。为何我那时这么笨,既然还继续骂你。。。看来我真的不是我自己了*

就因为一时的糊涂,熟悉的地方似乎长了脚,离我远去。。。我只能站在原地默默的苏醒。醒了,后悔了,难过了,不会在从犯。。。以前说了一百,一千个对不起,可是毛病却从犯。。。当我醒了以后再大声地说‘对不起’。。。你能听见吗? *已经不可能。*

拿着望远镜看着离自己遥远的‘熟悉的地方’。。。熟悉的地方已不再回头看我了。。。 那地方永远不会变,只是不知道会回到当初在那里快乐的日子。。。答案是不能。。。


Alone and Unwanted Pictures, Images and Photos

Monday, 17 November 2008




bread Pictures, Images and Photos


Holiday Pup Express Zelda & Kiko w/ Santa Paws Pictures, Images and Photos




jobless n ... thanks you

this few days, damn sien and sleepy .

last week when i went to qb and find job with bro n frenx. woah. all shop want to hire someone who can work at the shop at least 3 months.. i can't make it so just jobless for now...

but just sushi king want to hire ... but we turn it down..dunno why.

we went to qb n e-gate...almost all shops. but stil couldn't find a job.. so if u fulfill the term and condition which u can work for at least 3 months... please straight walk in any shop starbucks or whatever shop and ask for job haha.

last friday(if not mistaken , cuz i kinda forget about the date recently)...i meet up with someone ...a friend. probably an old friend .. blur @.@

we consider chat mah?haha maybe. we chat for quite a long time...from 11am until 3pm like that haha. she told me about my weakness... my tears drop that day bcuz i felt gamdong to a person who last time silently help me a lot n let me mentally grown up a lot. quite thankful to that person.haha. thank you


now i can't fufill my checklist liao.. bcuz bakery only hire female worker..... T.T

duno can find any job which its pay is counted by day .. haha.

this year almost end.. i felt that my 18 is not so sweet as i planed last year haha. many things ahppen. but since i still got time.. maybe i can gain back something which i lost in the begining of this year. hope god create another miracle again. haha

have to sleep now....


Saturday, 15 November 2008

濒临绝种的爱 2

本剧故事 纯属虚构
如有雷同 实属巧合









其实天使和恶魔都有共同点, 那就是他们都不是人。恶魔和天使可以保护身边的人。在死亡笔记里,死神就是人类用来缩短罪犯的生命,而天使仿佛是我们所为的神仙。只是名字和个人理念的分别。。。比如马来西亚的‘火箭’ and ‘天平’。。两人都是为自己的国家好。。只是理念不同而已。明白了吗?

胜 :妹, 我。。我。。。不要在问我了啦。。
萍 :你快点说啦。。我不要被蒙在鼓里好像见不到太阳似的。如果植物一天没
有见到太阳,它就可能饿死了,你知道吗? 你每天都跟我有说有笑,当
胜 : 你真的想知道?你先要有心理准备。我很努力要让你开心,却让你越来
萍 : 不知道。我很乱。
胜 : 我只是要在圣诞节跟你表白啦。要给你有一个难忘的圣诞节。我喜欢
萍 : 你不要开玩笑啦。我们是哥哥妹妹来的。不可能的啦。其实我有一个秘
胜 : 我错过了这样好的机会了?那你的意思是说不接受了吗?
萍 : 。。。
胜 : 做什么上帝要玩弄我?能给我一次机会吗?
萍 : 对不起,你是我的好哥哥。永远的好哥哥。永远。。。


胜 :萍, 你曾经告诉我你对一个人有不错的印象,那个人不是我对吧?那是另一个男生来的。应该是。。。。


when u lost a person that u like or love...can u smile?
Now let this song bring us back to the olden days , so relax yourself when listening to this song... I can't smile without you by Barry Manilow

Cant Smile Without You - Barry Manillow

You know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you

You came along just like a song
And brightened my day
Who would have believed that you were part of a dream
Now it all seems light years away

And now you know I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel sad when you're sad
I feel glad when you're glad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile

Now some people say happiness takes so very long to find
Well, I'm finding it hard leaving your love behind me

And you see I can't smile without you
I can't smile without you
I can't laugh and I can't sing
I'm finding it hard to do anything
You see I feel glad when you're glad
I feel sad when you're sad
If you only knew what I'm going through
I just can't smile without you

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Do u stil like ur x-gf or x-bf?

if u stil like ur ex, if u wana chase him or she back...

plz let them see this video or let them see the lyrics..

maybe it will help u..

No Secrets-I'll Remember you

It has been so long since we have talked
I hope that things are still the same
hoping they will never change
cause what we had can't be replaced
don't let our memories fade away
keep me in your heart for always

You made me believe
that I can do almost anything
stood right by me
through the tears through everything

I'll remember you,
and baby that's forever true
you're the one that I'll always miss
never thought it would feel like this
I'll be there for you,
no matter what you're going through
in my heart you'll always be, forever baby....
I'll remember you

I promise you I won't forget the times we shared, the tears we cried
You'll always be the sun in my sky
It may be fate that brings us back to meet again someday
Even though we go seprate ways

You made me believe
that I can do almost anything
You stood right by me
through the tears through everything

I'll remember you,
and baby that's forever true
you're the one that I'll always miss
never thought it would feel like this
I'll be there for you,
no matter what your going through
in my heart you'll always be, forever baby....
I'll remember you

If the day should come when you need someone
you know that i'll follow...
I will be there!
Don't ever let there
be a doubt in your mind
'cause I'll remember you, yooou

I'll remember you,
and baby that's forever true
you're the one that I'll always miss
never thought it would feel like this
I'll be there for you,
no matter what your going through
in my heart you'll always be, forever baby....
I'll remember you

Forever baby, I'll remember you

Sunday, 9 November 2008

濒临绝种的爱 1



胜:hello.why so late stil on9?
萍:erm..cannot sleep.
胜: u drink coffee just now? haha
萍: nope X)
胜: i will be seldom on u have hp?
萍: yes
胜: can u give me ur hp number so we can chat at sms? i wont kacau u d.
萍: ok. 016-xxxxxxx

(房间外传来了 “胜呵,睡觉了。很夜了。”)

胜:i miss call u now. my mum ask me to sleep d.gudnitex. XD
萍:ok. wait 4 ur miss call .nitez







萍:can u be my ko?
胜:its my pleasure..

at 12.30am 14March





胜:so what?




故事里的名字是我拿朋友的名字。 P/S:名字不重要。



Saturday, 8 November 2008


KC - Khor KoK Chin aka ahmad John *rambo* XD


星期二是考化学。一去到学校KC就约我哥,KO,WL,panda voon一起要在考完MUET之后,就跟voon的车到Auto city相聚。

我还plan好在今晚,此时此刻和他们一起玩poker(no money involve ok)..

还想要show 一下 本人的 magic *讲到很夸张酱^^*


我 :‘妈,Robert KoK星期六晚上请我吃晚餐,因为他发觉到我有能力去读房地产。’
妈 :‘那。。。哥呢?’
我 :‘没有被邀请啦。因为我是天才中的房地产王子。’*请别吐*
哥 :‘什么!? 放屁啦。我有被邀请啦。’
妈 :‘你们说的Robert KoK 是哪一位?讲清楚好吗?’
哥 :‘唐王咯。厉害叻。’
妈 :‘在那里请客?’
我 :‘北海。’
妈 :‘这样你们怎样去?’
我 :‘搭顺风车。’
妈 :‘几个人去?’
哥 :‘几个罢了。。五个酱。’

(妈妈真的还相信我叻。。不可思议。露出狐狸尾巴了GOK )




妈 :‘你们是不是骗我?给我看那请柬。。’
我 :‘什么啦。那天都跟你说是朋友姐姐的婚宴了。’
妈 :‘那为什么要说唐王啦,robert kok lah,我还以为是真的。。
我 :‘没有啦。真的是婚宴啦。’
妈 :‘你又不认识他的姐姐,去有用吗?’
我 :‘他明年就要去奥洲了。见多一次面不可以吗?’
妈 :‘拜六不用去了。cancel it , bcuz dad maybe don't allow u go so far.’(the guy fetching us cant make it already)
我 : ‘他会让我驾车去的。’
。。。。。。dblsdcljdjsa (quarrel)

in the end d plan was cancelled.. so sad it was being cancelled... i wana go mum. having jokes canot mah? i just wana bring a laughter to our family just like last time.. this year we hardly sit down and talk... what can we do? i always have cold jokes or funny stuff n even stupid stuff to say.... but when i wana say out it just stick on my can i say?

thats why after that day, i know i wont tell u jokes to u anymore....i wont tell u funny things which makes u laugh just like last time mum....u r pressure on ur do i..i also got my own exam n my life...even 18years old stil wana slap by father so heavy.. do u help me to explain to daddy b4?(even u know d truth?)

what u do? when i slaped me second time, i was unconcious last time... i not wana argue with anybody, i just wana say out my opinion.... like that already kena ur marah n daddy's attack.

mum... u let me down a lot of thing...

do u know what i really wan? what i can is what?

i just treating me like a kid...or just a baby...that always can't grow up.

but i'm thankful to u....

that song of 最美丽的平凡save me back. actually u maybe reading my blog n feel that i'm angry.. yup, i did angry, but now no more..bcuz this maybe is one of the way we communicate.. haha is just another way u love me...

mum, i didnt tell u 'i love u for a long time. MUM i Love you

*hope you saw it* but this is impossible . XD

Do u heard before?

what is the most surprise thing u heard before? do u read manga or watch anime before?

hahax. i bet some of u all sure got.

now In Japan there is an event which allow d manga reader to married with d character in manga or anime..haha

who will u wanna married with or in relationship with? haha do u ever think before? i know this so ridiculous, but just this news is serious. P/S: aint telling lies.

when this event was first introduce in Japan. more than 10thousand people took part.

If got chance i think i would like to meet with hinata from d Naruto. XD

if guy... hmm... is sunichi from detective conan cuz he is handsome n smart.. dont u think so?haha just me...

sinichi kudo Pictures, Images and Photos

你不是真正的快樂人。突然好想你 ^^ must listen o

五月天 - 你不是真正的快樂人

群中 哭著 你只想變成透明的顏色
你再也不會夢 或痛 或心動了
你已經決定了 你已經決定了

你 靜靜 忍著 緊緊把昨天在拳心握著
而回憶越是甜 就是 越傷人了
越是在 手心留下 密密麻麻 深深淺淺 的刀割

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑只是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了

這 世界 笑了 於是妳合群的一起笑了
當生存是規則 不是 你的選擇
於是妳 含著眼淚 飄飄盪盪 跌跌撞撞 的走著

你不是真正的快樂 你的笑只是你穿的保護色
你決定不恨了 也決定不愛了

你不是真正的快樂 你的傷從不肯完全的癒合
我站在你左側 卻像隔著銀河
難道就真的抱著遺憾一直到老了 然後才後悔著

你值得真正的快樂 你應該脫下你穿的保護色
為什麼失去了 還要被懲罰呢
能不能就讓 悲傷全部 結束在此刻 重新開始活著

五月天 - 突然好想你

最怕空氣突然安靜 最怕朋友突然的關心
最怕回憶 突然翻滾絞痛著 不平息
最怕突然 聽到你的消息
想念如果會有聲音 不願那是悲傷的哭泣
事到如今 終於讓自己屬於 我自己
只剩眼淚 還騙不過自己
突然好想你 你會在哪裡 過得快樂或委屈
突然好想你 突然鋒利的回憶 突然模糊的眼睛

我們像一首最美麗的歌曲 變成兩部悲傷的電影
為什麼你 帶我走過最難忘的旅行
然後留下 最痛的紀念品

我們 那麼甜那麼美那麼相信 那麼瘋那麼熱烈的曾經

突然好想你 你會在哪裡 過得快樂或委屈
突然好想你 突然鋒利的回憶 突然模糊的眼睛

最怕空氣突然安靜 最怕朋友突然的關心
最怕回憶 突然翻滾絞痛著 不平息
最怕突然 聽到你的消息
最怕此生 已經決心自己過 沒有你 卻又突然 聽到你的消息

Thursday, 6 November 2008

INTI life part holidays Check list A

LAST day at INTI。 my holiday's check list
omg frenx. i miss u all so much. WL,KO,KC,ZX,JS,AJ,sebastian,lipz,joe,jw,sq,SQ,B-boy,j-boy,jj,kb,jac,audrey..aka 'u r so mean'? , of u all went back at 12pm. then not intime to take photo with u all.

aiyo... i wonder that at alumnia night i can meet u all back? last day quite happy n quite sad hahahappy bcuz of 'mederka' liao, sad is bcuz duno when can meet all HSC students againtoday when i woke up... waliew my 'old freind' meet with me again...(is my flu)this few weeks, i learn a lot of things... n undergo my own d inner journey haha. i think i got many many things to do in this holidays.

My OwN cHeCkL1sT
1 ) 修炼自己的火爆脾气
2 )找到面包店的工作

somebody wrote it P/S: not me

i just smile when i saw it n wanna share with u..

try rap with ur style ya. ^^

At first I love INTI
But INTI loves my money
I ask money from daddy
Mummy goes to INTI
And find out why INTI's so greedy
The lift always mati
And the guards look like monkey
That's why I started to hate INTI
INTI don't love me
What for I love INTI
All they need is money
Nothing but money, money and money
The lecturers teach like bugs bunny
No wonder they're so lousy
And their faces look so funny
Like Talos the mummy
Futhermore, more more money flows to INTI
But they never plant more trees
All because they want to save money
Make all students feel hot to mati
First I entered INTI I got no kaki
Later I found someone likes to play tai tee
Then I started don't want to study
Here we can find a lot of kaki judi
That's why we must blame INTI
Since I entered INTI I cant see any leng lui lili sexy
Even the lecturers are more pretty
I always want to date them for tea
But I always kejar they always lari
Dr. Lim from SOLLA always lan si
People said his pucuk already mati
Even Viagra also tak boleh jadi
That's why loh people say he is 'cc'
He likes to tell jokes to everybody
But his joke never funny
Sometimes people thinks that his crazy
Dr. Lim so pity
INTI's toilets really smelly
No water no api
Even you haven't pee
You want to lari
Tan yew sing always said his INTI got quality
Instead everyone knows they are lousy
INTI motive just to earn more money
So that they can pay lecturers salary
And INTI share in KLSE can naik lagi
Waterfish like us always press by INTI
Just to tipu more more money
That is all the story about INTI
Which loves money
But after all I still come to INTI
To contribute money
(u r not in INTI?
u r very lucky
coz INTI cant bluff ur money
just cabut n jangan kembali~!!)
Student of INTI
noway to lari
already jadi SuiYee (waterfish)
plz tell everybody
jangan kena tipu lagi

Tuesday, 4 November 2008



几颗心 几段路
几次笑 几回哭
其实往往 也最简单



Home sweet Home Pictures, Images and Photos

Zui Mei De Ping Fan 最美的平凡 - Daren Tan 陈世维

Saturday, 1 November 2008

lost an important person in my life

that person is not pass away..

just that we argue too much.. n problem is at me. so sad today.

XXX, i'm sorry ok?

just give me some time...

after my exam let me cool down myself can mah?

this year is very tough for both of us..



if i know how to make a time machine i will take u back to d moment before everything bad happen...

but i know it is childish thinking


if u got a person u wana treat him or her good. u better grab hoho d timing n chances. not like me now..


gud luck in exam freinds