KC - Khor KoK Chin aka ahmad John *rambo* XD
星期二是考化学。一去到学校KC就约我哥,KO,WL,panda voon一起要在考完MUET之后,就跟voon的车到Auto city相聚。
我还plan好在今晚,此时此刻和他们一起玩poker(no money involve ok)..
还想要show 一下 本人的 magic *讲到很夸张酱^^*
我 :‘妈,Robert KoK星期六晚上请我吃晚餐,因为他发觉到我有能力去读房地产。’
妈 :‘那。。。哥呢?’
我 :‘没有被邀请啦。因为我是天才中的房地产王子。’*请别吐*
哥 :‘什么!? 放屁啦。我有被邀请啦。’
妈 :‘你们说的Robert KoK 是哪一位?讲清楚好吗?’
哥 :‘唐王咯。厉害叻。’
妈 :‘在那里请客?’
我 :‘北海。’
妈 :‘这样你们怎样去?’
我 :‘搭顺风车。’
妈 :‘几个人去?’
哥 :‘几个罢了。。五个酱。’
(妈妈真的还相信我叻。。不可思议。露出狐狸尾巴了GOK )
妈 :‘你们是不是骗我?给我看那请柬。。’
我 :‘什么啦。那天都跟你说是朋友姐姐的婚宴了。’
妈 :‘那为什么要说唐王啦,robert kok lah,我还以为是真的。。
我 :‘没有啦。真的是婚宴啦。’
妈 :‘你又不认识他的姐姐,去有用吗?’
我 :‘他明年就要去奥洲了。见多一次面不可以吗?’
妈 :‘拜六不用去了。cancel it , bcuz dad maybe don't allow u go so far.’(the guy fetching us cant make it already)
我 : ‘他会让我驾车去的。’
。。。。。。dblsdcljdjsa (quarrel)
in the end d plan was cancelled.. so sad it was being cancelled... i wana go mum. having jokes canot mah? i just wana bring a laughter to our family just like last time.. this year we hardly sit down and talk... what can we do? i always have cold jokes or funny stuff n even stupid stuff to say.... but when i wana say out it just stick on my tongue...how can i say?
thats why after that day, i know i wont tell u jokes to u anymore....i wont tell u funny things which makes u laugh just like last time mum....u r pressure on ur work..so do i..i also got my own exam n my life...even 18years old stil wana slap by father so heavy.. do u help me to explain to daddy b4?(even u know d truth?)
what u do? when i slaped me second time, i was unconcious last time... i not wana argue with anybody, i just wana say out my opinion.... like that already kena ur marah n daddy's attack.
mum... u let me down a lot of thing...
do u know what i really wan? what i can is what?
i just treating me like a kid...or just a baby...that always can't grow up.
but i'm thankful to u....
that song of 最美丽的平凡save me back. actually u maybe reading my blog n feel that i'm angry.. yup, i did angry, but now no more..bcuz this maybe is one of the way we communicate.. haha is just another way u love me...
mum, i didnt tell u 'i love u for a long time. MUM i Love you
*hope you saw it* but this is impossible . XD
clearance home decor
4 years ago
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